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Eurovision SongTravestival

A week before the 'real' festival starts, you can always get into the mood with the counterpart of the Eurovision Song Contest.

Eurovision SongTravestival

Sun 5 May19:30 - 22:00
Spuistraat 2
1012 TS Amsterdam
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67 years of Eurovision hysteria

The participants will amaze the audience with their choice from 67 years of Eurovision history and (especially) hysteria. Coco Coquette: “Everyone sings live, which is unique in drag, where playback often predominates. I have nothing against it, but just give me pure singing. Then, just a little bit next to it, which fits well. No fewer than two versions of Amsterdam (Maggie MacNeal, 1980) were submitted: both MissBaksel and Marlene XL have given the song a makeover. I also expect a lot from the new candidates Jason Gwen (23) and Saskião Soobrak, who flew in, especially from the Algarve.”

Dora Royale

Last year's winner - Dora Royale with Crno i belo, Kaliopi's power ballad from 2012, delivered with passion, including a change of clothes - is, of course, there again to extend her title. This year, she will release Rise Like A Phoenix, and in her version, the P stands for ... because Dora likes spicy lyrics.

The other candidates are veterans Pia Vapeur (Theatre, Katja Ebstein, 1980), Agnes Geneva (Diva, Dana International 1998), Hella Holland De Mallemolen and Molly Strychnine (Slow Down, Douwe Bob 2016).

Counting points by hand

The professional jury consists of seasoned celebrities Lady Charity and Victoria False. The public can also help decide the winner that evening. Coco: “Are the vocals acceptable? Does the candidate wear the right 'look'? And does the song as a whole convince? That earns you points. At the end of the evening we count the points by hand, so that can't go wrong. The winning song will then be played again. Finally, DJ Raf (known from Friday in Prik) plays the best dance versions of old and new Eurovision hits.”

Eurovision SongTravestival

Sun 5 May19:30 - 22:00
Spuistraat 2
1012 TS Amsterdam
show in Google Maps