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Discover Amsterdam
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24 Hours West: Tour of 'I can change the world with my two hands'

Take a tour of this ecologically managed site, or walk around on your own. The Garden Café will be open and selling coffee and herbs from the garden for tea. There will be a cuttings and plant exchange, and you can do workshops about soil life and composting.

Free entrance

24 Hours West: Tour of 'I can change the world with my two hands'

Sat 25 May12:00 - 17:00
I can change the world with my two hands
Jasper Leijnsenstraat 21
1056 XW Amsterdam

An eye for sustainability

'I can change the world with my two hands' shows what is possible in urban agriculture, social composting, rainwater collection and irrigation. Here, you can also see how the food-waste cycle works and view the 'Waste to Harvest' project.

Waste to Harvest already has almost 20 locations spread throughout the city, where local residents can hand in their fruit and vegetable waste. This is composted on-site.

In a workshop from 14:30 to 16:00, Jessica Grant will show soil life under the microscope. From 16:00 to 17:00, Ann Doherty will give a workshop on how to compost at home using a worm bin or Bokashi buckets. The minimum age for the workshop is 14.

About I can change the world with my two hands

I can change the world with my two hands was founded by artist and trend researcher Natascha Hagenbeek. The site (1,200 m2) functions as a laboratory where community building, ecological living, collaboration, alternative economy, values and questions such as 'how to live now?' are investigated.

Global issues such as climate change and sustainable agriculture are translated into local, accessible projects for citizens to provide them with tools for a more ecological lifestyle and living environment.

Practical information:

  • The activities are open to the public from 12:00 to 17:00 unless otherwise stated.
Free entrance

24 Hours West: Tour of 'I can change the world with my two hands'

Sat 25 May12:00 - 17:00
I can change the world with my two hands
Jasper Leijnsenstraat 21
1056 XW Amsterdam