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24 Hours West: Create a graphic work of art at Museum Het Schip

During 24 Hours West, take on the role of a true Amsterdam School artist and create your own graphic work of art. Take a seat and be inspired by the impressive architecture of Het Schip, a unique housing complex for workers from the early 20th century.

Free entrance

24 Hours West: Create a graphic work of art at Museum Het Schip

Sat 25 May11:00 - 17:00
Museum Het Schip
Oostzaanstraat 45
1013 WG Amsterdam
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Linoleum cut workshops

During 24 Hours West, you will work with a technique used by many Amsterdam School artists: the linoleum cut. Do you let yourself be enchanted by the imaginative (architectural) art, or do you draw inspiration from the struggle for social justice? That's entirely up to you!

Het Schip

Amsterdam School Museum Het Schip is the museum about the Amsterdam School, an expressionist architectural and art movement that is intertwined with the rise of good public housing. At the beginning of the 20th century, this movement's young architects and artists worked together to achieve better living conditions for the working class. And that was desperately needed: after all, those with less money quickly had to rely on a dilapidated slum house.

The friendly (construction) artists of the Amsterdam School changed that. They built drastically better homes that improved the quality of life for these people and were also a feast for the eyes: works of art to live in. 'Workers' Palace' Het Schip, near the Westerpark, is a famous example.

The architecture and art of the Amsterdam School are not only found in Amsterdam. Architects worldwide have been influenced by the movement's undulating facades, masterful masonry connections and groundbreaking works of art.

Free entrance

24 Hours West: Create a graphic work of art at Museum Het Schip

Sat 25 May11:00 - 17:00
Museum Het Schip
Oostzaanstraat 45
1013 WG Amsterdam
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