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Cycling tour past inspiring AmsterDOENers (sign up)

Everywhere, there are Amsterdammers who 'do it together': AmsterDOENers who together create (vegetable) gardens, meeting places and many more beautiful things. Cycle along to discover this club of AmsterDOENers, pedalling past MidWest, De Gibraltar and the Coöperatieve Nieuwe Boekhandel, among others.

Free entrance

Cycling tour past inspiring AmsterDOENers (sign up)

Sat 25 May12:00 - 14:00
Het Eetbare Plantsoen
Nicolaas Beetsplantsoen 1
1053 KB Amsterdam

Do-it-yourself and the commons movement

The 'do-it-yourself movement' is also called the 'commons movement'. Commons are a way of organising: people who jointly own and care for something important to everyone.

A well-known example is Wikipedia, a collective of people that together ensures global knowledge sharing. Other examples are bread funds, housing cooperatives (not to be confused with housing associations), food gardens and local energy cooperatives. The idea is: we do it together.

During this commons excursion, you'll cycle past several particular commons in Amsterdam West. You'll depart from the Eetbare Plantsoen (Edible Garden) and cycle past MidWest, I can change the world with my two hands, De Gibraltar and the Cooperative New Bookstore. You can also cycle this route independently at a different time. The commons can be recognised by the commons flag and a signboard with information.

Practical information:

  • You must bring your own bicycle for this bike tour.
  • The bike tour departs at 12:00 at Het Eetbare Plantsoen and ends at 14:00.
  • You can sign up for this event using this link.
Free entrance

Cycling tour past inspiring AmsterDOENers (sign up)

Sat 25 May12:00 - 14:00
Het Eetbare Plantsoen
Nicolaas Beetsplantsoen 1
1053 KB Amsterdam