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Water - in ZID Theater

Water is a versatile, multidisciplinary event with a performance, installation and interactive part about climate change. It highlights the power of water, from mythology to facts and predictions, and provides an answer to the challenges of climate change. ZID created Water in collaboration with the European project Green E.Th.I.Cs.

Water - in ZID Theater

Sat 18 May19:30 - 20:30
ZID Theater
De Roos van Dekamaweg 1
1061 HR Amsterdam

Emotionally powerful and inspiring mosaic performance

Water is crucial for both individual life and the well-being of our planet. Water shortage or surplus, and its distribution, cause significant physical and psychological insecurities. The performance combines physical play with associative images, which take us to various water worlds. The text, in the form of storytelling and spoken word, highlights various perspectives through personal experiences with water.

In the performance, an international team of performers bring their personal experiences and relationship with water to the stage. In many cultures, water also plays a symbolic role, serving as a guide in searches for deep-rooted meanings.

All this results in an emotionally powerful, symbolic, visual and inspiring mosaic performance that challenges you to think: “How does this theme affect me? And what can I do about it?”

As anthropologist and environmentalist Jane Goodall says, “Every individual can do something for our planet.” It is important to us that the audience leaves the performance with a sense of dedication and reflection.

With Water you go together, step by step, in search of ways and solutions and we try to increase awareness about climate change and its impact on individuals, communities, societies and the world as a whole.

Water - in ZID Theater

Sat 18 May19:30 - 20:30
ZID Theater
De Roos van Dekamaweg 1
1061 HR Amsterdam