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Theater van Deyssel

In October 2019 Frascati opened Theater van Deyssel in the Lodewijk van Deysselstaat in Amsterdam. In this former shop building converted into a mini-theatre, Frascati develops a weekly program with special own productions, small-scale programming and stage activities organized with and from the neighbourhood.

Theatrical research into a vulnerable neighbourhood

During the renovation of the district, Frascati will move into the neighbourhood. Central to this is the theatrical research into this vulnerable neighborhood in transition. Since 2020 Frascati has managed the building and developed the successful documentary-theatre series Radio van Deyssel by director Hanna Timmers.

Theater van Deyssel is the result of a long-term collaboration between housing corporation Rochdale and Frascati, within the framework of Frascati's program line De (un)telelde stad.

The programs in Theater van Deyssel can be visited free of charge. Book by email to