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Amsterdam International Business Celebrates 15 Years

Last Thursday, amsterdam inbusiness together with IN Amsterdam and Amsterdam Trade & Innovate celebrated 15 years of growth and partnerships at the H’ART Museum in Amsterdam — together with deputy mayors Sofyan Mbarki, Adam Elzakalai and Marja Ruigrok from Amsterdam, Amstelveen and Haarlemmermeer.

A tribute to the countless businesses and talent Amsterdam International Business (AIB) has had the privilege of collaborating with over the years, this event provided the opportunity to celebrate shared accomplishments and set sights on an even brighter future. Together, shaping Amsterdam into a thriving business hub where good truly does grow better.

“The past fifteen years have brought us to a new stage, a new era, with new ambitions,” Shared Peter de Kruijk, AIB Director. “Our goal now is to benefit everyone in our region from this international position.”

As a trusted governmental partner, AIB is proud to continue its mission and contribute to the sustainable development of the region and its citizens. “We hope you share this ambition with us and connect here tonight, and from this day onwards with many, for a better world. This is what we are here for.”

Thank you to all who participated in this special occasion, and for being a part of our region’s collective journey. Here's to the next 15 years of growth, partnership, and success—and paving the way for more joint collaborations and positive impact for Amsterdam.