International Press & Media
Looking for images or data?
We have a large number of images and some videos of Amsterdam and the metropolitan area that can be used royalty-free in editorial communications. amsterdam&partners also has its own data library. This tool is called Visitor Insight.
Request a press visit
Complete the form below to let us know how we can help you. In order to provide you with the best possible service, we ask you to read and accept the terms and conditions at the end of the application form.
Join our network
For information about exhibitions, performances, or festivals taking place during your visit, we advise you to browse through our Amsterdam’s cultural agenda to find a suitable subject for you and your audience. We also host a Media & Content Creator Network Page to meet other journalists, creators and media representatives, and to post about upcoming trips and possible collaborations. Take a look at our community guidelines and join us!
Some examples of our collaborations

Filming in Amsterdam
If you want to take professional photos or film recordings in the municipality of Amsterdam, you must always report this in advance to the municipality of Amsterdam.Sometimes you need a permit or permission if, for example, you want to block a road.For questions and information about filming in Amsterdam, it is best to contact the municipality's press office directly at press@amsterdam.nl.
Press newsletter
Would you like to receive current press information about Amsterdam all year round?Then sign up for our periodic press newsletter.The press newsletter contains news about events, highlights and editorial ideas, specially compiled for journalists, bloggers and other media. Check the latest edition here.

Contact our press team, Pema (left) and Manon (right).
E-mail: pressoffice@iamsterdam.com