Destination branding workshop
Find out how to position a destination as a living organism using relevant theory, strategy and case studies. These interactive workshops give an initial introduction to integrated destination marketing, which future workshops can expand on. Our experts will provide you with tools and practical measures that you can implement immediately.
Destination branding - Part 1 (1 day)
This one-day workshop provides a broad introduction to destination branding that enables us to share our insights and research with your organisation. Find out how to make an area distinctive, how to set measurable goals and identify key target groups. In other words, how do you get from supply-oriented promotion to demand-driven branding and marketing?
Destination branding - Part 2 (1 day)
This workshop is aimed at applying concepts of branding and promotion to your organisation’s goals. We will discuss a variety of local and international success stories, giving you working examples of destination branding that will resonate with your market and inspire your staff.