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Brewery de Prael

Despite modern equipment, the brewing process at Amsterdam’s Brewery de Prael keeps up centuries-old traditions. Organic grains and malt are selected and milled by the owners, and beers come unfiltered, unpasteurised, and untouched by fake flavours. Beers get their sparkle from natural carbon dioxide formed during fermentation. What's more, De Prael's tipples are made by staff who may otherwise struggle to make their mark in the labour market.

Craft beers

De Prael's beloved beer is made by people who are at a distance from the labor market, often due to a psychiatric background. Craft beers are brewed and sold in one of the oldest and most beautiful places in the city. From the showpiece Tripel (according to Belgian tradition) and DIPA (Double India Pale Ale) to the special Code Blond (made from collected and filtered rainwater).

Brewing process

The brewery has a modern installation. But all choices before and after brewing are traditional. The grains are ground in-house and the malt is selected in-house. There is no filtering or pasteurization in the entire process. Brouwerij de Prael lagers beers in a classic way, completes with secondary fermentation and adds no aromas or flavorings. In the beer you only taste natural carbon dioxide that is created during the brewing process. All grains are 100% organic.