Data and reports on the Amsterdam Area
Internationals in the Amsterdam Area: research and reports
Decisio 2024 - Monitor Internationals (In Dutch, PDF, 4.0 MB)
Migration Monitor in the Amsterdam Metropolitan Area 2023 (In Dutch, report & dashboard)
The Amsterdam Area Migration Infographic 2023; (PDF, 956 KB)
The Feeling at Home survey 2021; ICAP Amsterdam report (PDF, 2.42 MB)
Annual report on student numbers 2021; Dutch international schools (PDF, 1.1 MB)
Migration Monitor in the Metropolitan Area 2020; City of Amsterdam (in Dutch, PDF, 1.92 MB)
The housing survey 2020; ICAP Amsterdam report (PDF, 2.97 MB)
The COVID-19 survey 2020; ICAP Amsterdam report (PDF, 2.19 MB)
International employees in the Amsterdam Metropolitan Area 2019 – Facts & figures (PDF, 426 KB)
Decisio 2019 – Monitor internationale werknemers; International Employees Monitor (in Dutch, PDF, 1.5 MB)
Accompanying Partner Survey 2019, ICAP Amsterdam report (PDF, 1.98 MB)
Internationalisation in the Amsterdam Area 2018 – Results infographic (PDF, 1.1 MB)
Decisio 2018 – Eindrapport update regionale vraag- en aanbodanalyse internationaal onderwijs MRA; Final report update - analysis of regional supply and demand of international education in the Amsterdam Metropolitan Area (in Dutch, PDF, 6.3 MB)