Buy social
Our Buy Social events
Our Buy Social matching events, in collaboration with Social Enterprise NL and the Buy Social partner network, connect impact enterprises to buyers from companies and other organisations.
By purchasing responsibly, organisations can achieve their goals in impact areas ranging from sustainable food to equal employment opportunities. And by selling more products and services, impact entrepreneurs increase their revenues and capacity to tackle societal challenges.
Previous Buy Social editions covered local government, culture, events and hospitality, and the creative sector. These events contributed to over 50 deals, such as the cooperation of PwC Netherlands and Swink, a digital agency with online specialists with autism. Learn more in the video below and get in touch to join our upcoming Buy Social events.

Want to sell or buy impact products & services?
If you’re looking for inspiration for sustainable gifts, team outings, and more, read this brochure (in English and Dutch). For more impact products and services, check out these two marketplaces: Buy Social (nationwide, covering all impact areas) and Sociale Zaken (Amsterdam Area, focused on work integration).