Follow the City of Amsterdam's impact entrepreneurship masterclasses
The Resilience edition of The Impact Entrepreneurs masterclass series (in Dutch) is available to impact entrepreneurs who seek fresh ideas, want to sharpen their business models, or need tools to become future-proof. Whether you are exploring an opportunity to tackle societal challenges through business or already running an impact enterprise that needs fine tuning, sign up and start learning.
All six masterclasses are completely free to watch. Once you have registered and logged in, you will find the option to turn on English subtitles on the page of each masterclass.
Meet the mentors of The Impact Entrepreneurs | Masterclasses
Designing Business Models masterclass | With Patrick van der Pijl
Patrick is the CEO of Business Models Inc., best-selling author, and renowned business model strategist. His masterclass will help you understand how design is a learnable, repeatable, disciplined process that anyone can use to add unique value.
Nowadays, there are countless opportunities for (re)designing innovative businesses that make a positive impact. Complete markets are shifting and new opportunities are emerging in today's unpredictable economy. In previous periods of uncertainty, how did some companies come out stronger than ever? Through design.
Commercial Strategies masterclass | With Jasper Mutsaerts
As The Startup Coach, Jasper has coached around two hundred startup founders across multiple industries and geographies to set bold goals, build resilient teams, grow their business, and be a force for good. His masterclass will guide you through the ten crucial steps of commercial strategizing.
To scale up your business from a creative idea into real impact and revenues, you need to bring structure and focus to your commercial strategy. Watch this masterclass to gain a clearer perspective on your idea’s potential and develop a stronger grasp on the areas for future growth.
Impact Branding with Dieuwertje Damen
Dieuwertje is a sustainability strategist, facilitator of change and the founder and managing director of Rainbow Collection, a creative agency for Corporate Social Responsibility.
You are an early-stage social entrepreneur with a good product and meaningful impact story. But that does not automatically mean that people will know or understand your product. This masterclass will show how you can strengthen your impact brand, bring out your unique brand personality, turn current customers into brand ambassadors, and engage with new target audiences.
Growth Marketing with Tess Lucassen
Tess, one of Growth Coaches & Trainers at Growth Tribe is launching Growth For Good, to ensure that people and organisations working towards a better world can access the digital skills they need to get us there faster.
Growth hacking is a multidisciplinary practice that can accelerate your growth and impact through cutting-edge tools, behavioral psychology and data analysis. This masterclass is designed to develop growth skills for marketing, management, innovation, and customer journey teams, as well as consultants and startup founders.
The Art of Negotiation with Geurt Jan de Heus
Geurt Jan has worked on the art of negotiation for twenty years at Routslaeven and often acts as advisor during difficult negotiations in the public domain, public-private partnerships, larger organisations, and family businesses.
You negotiate every day - with clients, business partners or colleagues. The challenge is not to ‘win’ each time but to collaborate and find opportunities that yield the most value for all parties. This masterclass will guide you through the seven principles of negotiation in complex times, from preparation and practice to negotiating at the table.
Finding Capital with Mark Hillen
Mark Hillen is founder and chairman of Social Enterprise NL, as well as a renowned author and public speaker on social entrepreneurship.
How do you find capital to make an impact? Impact entrepreneurs must continuously adapt their business to new economic contexts and you need investment to make those adjustments. From informal investors to crowdfunding, and venture capital to banks, this masterclass walks you along the best avenues to secure funding.
Circular Business models with Dr Jan Konietzko
Dr Jan Konietzko is Manager Sustainability Advisory at Cognizant and Postdoc Research Fellow at Circular X.
What is circular economy, and why it is important, what are essential circular economy strategies, and on which levels can you apply them? These are some of the questions covered by this masterclass, which also helps you navigate three processes to implement the circular strategies and use the Circularity Deck to make your business more circular.
How the City of Amsterdam supports a more resilient economy
In addition to this free masterclass series, Amsterdam Impact has developed the RE:SILIENCE program with the Goldschmeding Foundation and Impact Hub Amsterdam to equip circular companies with tools to emerge from the current crisis stronger than before.
Amsterdam Impact has also teamed up with Impact Hub Amsterdam for a perspective paper that maps the issues and opportunities emerging from the socio-economic impact COVID-19 had on citizens and impact entrepreneurs in Amsterdam and over 20 other cities around the world. Read the paper.