The Netherlands comes out on top in EU well-being
Coming second place out of 27 nations
In a recent report by Statistics Netherlands (CBS), the Netherlands has achieved the second-highest wellbeing standard in the EU, just behind Sweden. There were 23 indicators that each of the nations were judged on, the Netherlands scoring well in 14 out of the 23.
The study examined 23 indicators across eight themes: material prosperity, work and leisure, social cohesion, subjective well-being, environment, health, housing, and safety. The Netherlands scored highest on indicators related to community, such as trust in neighbours. The country also performed well in the work and leisure theme, particularly regarding work-life balance.
What were the top scorers?
Throughout the Netherlands, long-term unemployment is notably low at just 0.7%, one of the lowest rates in the EU. Additionally, net labour participation is among the highest. These indicators highlight the Netherlands as a country that fosters a stable professional environment, contributing significantly to the overall wellbeing of its residents in the workplace. The lowest scores for the Netherlands were the population to housing ratio as well as life expectancy for women, indicating room for improvement despite the country's overall success.
Amsterdam: a thriving community
These scores come as no surprise with Amsterdam’s ongoing plans to improve social cohesion involving neighbourhood and community initiatives. When it comes to the workplace, Amsterdam's work-life balance is widely celebrated, often earning top spots in global rankings. The Dutch emphasise the importance of personal time, ensuring that work commitments do not overshadow family and leisure activities.
Earlier this year, the Netherlands was voted #2 country in the world for quality of life, underscoring the nation's strong commitment to enhancing both vibrancy and liveability for its residents.
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