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Wandeling door stadsecoloog en auteur van het boek “ Het wilde Noorden” Joost Janmaat

Join urban ecologist Joost Janmaat for a walk of about 3.5 km. Walk through the wild Vinex 'Elzenhagen', along the nature highway of the A10 to 'het Groene Veld', a green pearl of Amsterdam. In the meantime, study everything you encounter in nature, from two paving stones to birds in the trees. Starting point: Boekhandel van Noord, Buikslotermeerplein 70.

Wandeling door stadsecoloog en auteur van het boek “ Het wilde Noorden” Joost Janmaat

Sat 25 May11:00 - 13:00
Boekhandel van Noord
Buikslotermeerplein 70
1025 EW Amsterdam


Visual artist Liesje van den Berk, Boekhandel van Noord and the Boven 't Y shopping centre organize short walks through Amsterdam North every month. Drawing walks and writer's walks alternate every other month. These walks are part of 750 years of Amsterdam, a gift to the city.

Drawing and walking are ways to experience the richness of your environment and make contact with others. You discover new images, places, and stories about your neighbourhood during walks by looking, drawing, and listening to the stories.

To register

Register now for free via this link or email with the subject DOOR NOORD and the date.

Wandeling door stadsecoloog en auteur van het boek “ Het wilde Noorden” Joost Janmaat

Sat 25 May11:00 - 13:00
Boekhandel van Noord
Buikslotermeerplein 70
1025 EW Amsterdam