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Discover Amsterdam
Meetings and Conventions
Live, Work and Study


Welcome to TenClub. that you are in a magical space with extraordinary people, willing to question the world as it is. Ready to challenge themselves by taking the responsibility to shape the future, and the courage to take action. With the wisdom to see beyond the taboo, with the power to change our world, and the heart to unite our efforts.

With a slightly different take on the world

Every once in a while some people come together and dare to challenge what is accepted as ‘the norm’, ‘the way it is’ and are just crazy enough to rip up the manual and start again. Society may label them as misfits, rebels and troublemakers. But these are the ones who see things differently.

They have no respect for the status quo, as free thinkers; you may quote them, glorify or vilify them. About the only thing you can’t do is ignore them… because they change things. They invent, they imagine, they create, explore, they push things forward.

Driven to pursue their Curiosity together to co-create an exploration to discover their Humanity. We are a humanistic society focused on getting to know more of ourselves, and others, together.

For more information visit the TenClub website.