Adi(c)sco - Club Guy & Roni Invites: Cecilia Moisio
ADI(C)SCO is an endless dance trip with the aim of being intoxicated and continuing to lose yourself in it: or addiction. The performance exudes the atmosphere of the disco era, in which the club scene and club drugs became popular. ADI(C)SCO is a party that gets out of hand and never ends. With this performance, Moisio wants to address the taboos and shame surrounding addiction. Moisio himself grew up with an alcoholic father and, therefore, has a strong personal motivation to discuss this topic. Can be seen in Bijlmer Parktheater.
Adi(c)sco - Club Guy & Roni Invites: Cecilia Moisio
Adi(c)sco - Club Guy & Roni Invites: Cecilia Moisio
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Tickets Available