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Image from Jurre Rompa

Join our Impact Ecosystems Network

As a centre of expertise on the role of government in the transition to a wellbeing economy, we have co-created the Impact Ecosystems Network, a global network of regional and city ecosystems for impact entrepreneurship. 

The Impact Ecosystems Network 

All around the world, we see a shift to economic development that prioritises the creation of multiple forms of value. Companies go beyond their financial focus and integrate an impact-minded approach into their businesses. Various cities and regions promote social and impact entrepreneurship. And also, on a national level, multiple governments take an active role.

To create more social value and address societal challenges worldwide, impact enterprises need a diverse, strongly connected ecosystem. An ecosystem where all actors contribute and work together to achieve positive societal impact.

To solve our societal challenges and to strengthen impact entrepreneurship, it is essential to learn from each other and to collaborate on concrete projects. That's why we have set up the Impact Ecosystems Network, a global network with cities and regions to share lessons learned from inspiring and facilitating the transition to a wellbeing economy.

Building a city ecosystem for impact

In 2015, we started collaborating with many partners to strengthen Amsterdam’s growing impact entrepreneurship ecosystem. And we captured the essence of our approach in a model with four building blocks: Create the Right Conditions, Build Entrepreneurship, Facilitate Access to Capital, and Strengthen Connections. Read our publication for the ins and outs of our model for building a city ecosystem for impact.

Want to join our Impact Ecosystems Network and share your experience with building a similar ecosystem in your city or region? Get in touch